Saturday, July 5, 2008

David Caruso is.....

....This is the worst crap ever made on the tube. Caruso's acting makes my eyes bleed. His posturing, pausing, whipping off the sunglasses then stretching out some inane dialogue is too painful to watch.
Is David Caruso the most unhappiest man in history??? This man NEVER smiles!!!
I'm really worried about Dave,ya know???
The show is great but,dude,can you project anything emotionally beyond leering glumness and leering,frothing anger??? It's especially amusing how many times he stands akimbo and delivers a scene's last cold one-liner before walking off. This happens a lot in every episode.
Dave is the great Last Word In Scene Before Walking Off guy!!!
Quote of the day - David Caruso delivers a bomb. By "bomb" I mean the F-bomb.....(

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