Tuesday, March 11, 2008

David Caruso - Real Life Bobble Head

David Caruso can only play one dimensional characters. One of the worst actors to ever be able to read their lines.
However - Is there something wrong with David Caruso's neck or does he have a contract that only allows camera shots while his head is tilted?
Which leads to the question: Was David Caruso born without any levator scapulaes?
Honest to God, the guy has absolutely no lateral stability in his neck articulation whatsoever. In order to move his head from one tilted angle to another, he uses momentum and gravity to throw his head from one side, whereupon it bounces off his other shoulder and comes to rest in a dangled position on the other side of his torso. He then repeats as necessary for dramatic effect.

It gets really annoying when he is on camera. We call him old crooked neck ....lol.......lol

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